Uniforms are normally worn at Pack Meetings, Den Meetings, and other events. It’s OK to attend meetings without a uniform the first couple weeks. We strive to have new scouts in uniform by October.
We have two uniforms:
The “Class A” uniform is the more formal of the two. You should purchase a shirt, neckerchief slide, and a belt; optional items include a hat and pants/shorts. The Pack will provide the neckerchief each year and Pack 608 numbers for the uniform are also provided to new scouts. Items can be purchased at the Valley Forge Scout Shop in Wayne, or may be available as hand-me-downs from older scouts.
The “Class B” uniform is a t-shirt that scouts can wear to campouts and less formal events. A Class B t-shirt is available to purchase through the pack.
You can purchase all of your uniform at the local Scout Shop or online at www.scoutshop.org. For more information, see the uniform requirements on the national website here.