Parents Role in Scouts
Parents are an important part of an exceptional Scouting program. As a parent, you are considered “Akela” by your scout and other scouts. Akela is a symbol of wisdom, authority, and leadership. Examples of Akela include the Cubmaster, the Den Leader, teachers, and YOU--the main leader your child looks to for guidance. Parent/Guardian presence is required at all Den Meetings and outings if your scout is in K/1st grade. After that, continued presence is helpful to the Den Leader but not mandatory.
Pack Committee
Parents are also members of the Pack Committee. The Pack Committee plans the programming for all the activities of the Pack at the monthly committee meetings. There are a variety of roles and sub-committees to keep our pack running. Pack Committee meetings can be an enjoyable way to learn how Pack 608 works and get to know other parents. ANY parent can attend and is encouraged to attend any committee meeting, you DO NOT need to be an official or regular committee member.
The committee enables, equips, and trains the leaders and parent volunteers. We ask that you identify your strengths and find ways to apply them towards the program. Your role is certainly up to you but we all hope you find a good place in our Pack to apply those skills and enhance the program. Feel free to speak with any of the current leaders about where you can help.
Leader Training
All current and new leaders must complete the Youth Protection and Leader-Specific training as required by Council and by our Pack. In Cub Scouts, all training can be completed online.